Lands and Peoples of The World (In 6 Volumes)

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This wonderful work, in six volumes, is a most thrilling yet most fascinating story of the lands and peoples of the world. These are spread all over the globe and every one of them is somebody's homeland dearest to him because he was born on its soil, ate its food, drank its water and breathed its air. He can sing the glory of his motherland as Shakespeare did of his in these work: this royal throne of kings¦ this earth of majesty, this seat of Mars¦..this other Eden, demi-paradise¦. This happy breed of men, etc., etc. But if we feel like this about our own homeland, we must grow to learn that every land on earth is somebody's dear and sweet home. And this is what is contained within the covers of the six volumes of this great and peerless work. It is not only a book of time as well as of all the marvelous places on the earth but also unfolds before our eyes a vast picture gallery, depicting the illustrated story of the rise of man out of darkness into light. "As a book sets down the thoughts of men so that they do not die, so photography stores up the vision of the passing world, takes up the scene of a passing hour so that those who were not present may see it when they will and where they will." It has been a long march from the scratching of a mammoth's head on a cave wall to the charming photographys of the life of the world as seen in this marvelous book. The book describes in a colourful variety the vast family of man, whose number is expected to exceed three billions by the century, in variegated colours and multi-faceted activity in every stage of human development from the most primitive to the most modern depicting the supreme achievements of our age of scientific miracles, as found in all climes, countries and continents of the world. Through its pages we see the stone age and the nuclear age side by side, men still making fire with flints, still making worst religious fanaticism and bigotry to perpetuate their hold and men with the pride or pets, philosophers and scientists with astonishing powers in their hand. To quote Editor's own inimitable words, "we have in this book one of the things the world most badly needs in these days when there is growing up the generation whose business it is to save mankind. We are marching to a friendlier and happier world, a world of love in place of hate, of peace instead of war and one thing is needful-an understanding of each other. To grow up knowing our neigbours in the world is the surest way to peace"¦ these volumes contains an unrivalled account of human society as it exists in all parts of the world which belongs to the entire human family and as such they should serve as a unifying bond for us all. Such a monumental work should therefore be an indispensable addition to all the libraries pubic and private not only in India but all over the world. It should also be the proud possession of book lovers. There cannot be a better gift than its complete set which parents and elders should present to their children and their wards.


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Bibliographic information

Lands and Peoples of The World (In 6 Volumes)
1st ed.
xii+432p., iii+433-864p., v+865-1296p., vi+1297-1728p., vi+1729-2160p., vi+2161-2592p., Plates; Index; 23cm.