This Anthology is a compendium of articles that have been published in various issues of Law and Justice. These articles have been selected for their thematic nature from a diversity of jurisdictions. The ultimate aim and aspiration in bringing out this book is Justice-political, social and economic. The underlying purpose is to emphasise that the Quest for Justice is the common endeavour of all judges and lawyers in every society based on the Rule of Law and which respects the human dignity of every person as a member of the human family. ULA decided to bring out a quarterly journal, Law and Justice. The journal addresses issues of concern to the profession and for the administration of justice in our country and in other democracies based on the rule of Law. The inaugural issue was published and released on 17th October, 1994. Thereafter four issues of Law & Justice have been published. A wide range of subjects and issues are covered and discussed in these journals by persons of eminence in their respective fields in different countries which highlights the value of interdependence and interaction. The similarity of approach to common problems is striking. For example, independence of the judiciary is as much of concern to India as it is to New Zealand and Zimbabwe. In the world of today it is neither desirable nor feasible to go it alone. ULA decided to bring out a select anthology of the articles which have appeared in the various issues of law & Justice. In selecting the articles for publication in the Anthology the guiding consideration was the thematic nature of the articles from a diversity of jurisdictions. Justice-political, social and economic-is the ultimate aim and aspiration, indeed the raison d’etre of every civilised society. The underlying purpose of the Anthology is to emphasise that the quest for justice is the common endeavour of all judges and lawyers in every society based on the Rule of Law and which respects the human dignity of every person as a member of the human family. ULA expresses its deep gratitude to al the contributors for their invaluable articles in various issues of Law & Justice.
International Indians & The Law
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