Law on Compensation: To Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power

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The idea of victim compensation has gained momentum particularly since the second half of 20 century and has emerged as an independent branch of criminology i.e., victimology. The criminal law system particularly in the third world countries has not given due importance to the victim rehabilitation and compensation programme. This book includes the development of the law relating to victims of crime and abuse of power. The specific areas on which emphasis has been laid in this work include the jurisprudence of compensation to victims of crime and abuse of power, the law in this regard as developed by the national and the international institutions. The book also covers a study of the provisions incorporated in the general as well as the special laws of the land on the subject and finally a study of the recent trends in compensatory jurisprudence is being undertaken. This book would prove a useful material to those who are interested in this subject as well as to the general readers/scholars.


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Law on Compensation: To Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power
1st Ed.