The passage of the Right to Information Act, 2005 is a historic movement. It replaces the culture of secrecy and control with openness with participation. But the legal framework on this topic so far has resulted in little change. Is this another that promises much, but offers little? More than the law, the RTI is a process, a tool, a concept and a cultural approach to life. Can we use this to meet the challenges of our democratic future? What is the potential and what are the road blocks? This book has been written to further the awareness levels of people concerned and the general public. Global laws have been incorporated to disseminate existing trends and also to render a comparative insight to readers. A sizeable number of decisions pronounced by the CIC have been included for wider public reading and understanding. The growth and evolution of the Right to Information Act, 2005, is dealt with in a friendly manner. It contains some of the important Indian and global legal mechanisms to facilitate further research and thinking on the subject. We have to make use of these new openings in democratic decision-making to build a vibrant prosperous and developed India.
Law Relating to Right to Information: A Comprehensive and Insightful Commentary with Comparative Perspectives (In 2 Volumes)
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Law Relating to Right to Information: A Comprehensive and Insightful Commentary with Comparative Perspectives (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.
Pentagon Press, 2009
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