In the absence of a suitable compilation of the case law on the military matters the High Courts and Supreme Court did not have the advantage of the making use of the rulings given earlier on the same and similar legal issues. Need for such a compilation was long felt by the judges, lawyers and also the military authorities. This is the first and only book covering rulings given by the various High Courts and the Supreme Court on military law and service conditions of the armed forces as well as of civilians paid from the defence estimates. All the important judgements, reported and unreported, have been classified under main headings and subheadings and listed subjectwise in a chronological manner. Judgements which have appeared in different journals carry all the citations. Separate tables of reported and unreported cases are given. Part II of the book contains the Army Act 1950 with notes and the Army Rules 1952 with notes. The first and second editions of the book were very well received by the readers and proved a complete sell out. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. Relevant case laws pertaining to ex-servicemen, service pensioners, para-military forces and western armies have also been added to facilitate a better understanding and juristic interpretation. This volume will be invaluable as a text book for military training institutions and also for members of the bar as well as staff officers serving in army units and formations and ex-servicemen to update themselves about service conditions and disciplinary cases. A handy reference work for international readers.
Federal System and Coalition Government in India: Conflicts and Consensus in Centre-State Relations
Foreword. Preface. List of ...
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