…After reading the book, "Learn Vedic Astrology Without Tears", some useful suggestions and criticism too came. One of them was that I created some confusion by referring to the 360 days Vimshottari Dasha in the book while I used 365 days clearly. I decided to omit those tables and give in their place, more exercises and puzzles. In doing it, I am following the same pattern which I found in the books on my two favourite game of chess and bridge in which solving puzzles brought the best out of me and also deep despair. I decided to follow a scheme which would bring out the best out of the reader and no despair. First Lesson-Days named after planets, seven plus two planets, twelve houses, division of houses, exercise, different types of horoscopic diagrams, exercises, list of nakshatras, exercises and puzzles. The Second Lesson-Allotment of houses, lunar and solar half of the zodiac, happy and unhappy condition of planets, exaltation and debilitation of planets etc., friendship, enmity of planets-principles, Your Lagna, Sun’s position month by month, mental calculation, Your Moon sign, Aspects of Planets, general and special PAC memory tablet, descriptive exercises. The Third Lesson-Kendra, trikonas etc. table for each lagna, spiritual qualities of planets planets and avataras, persons these planets represent, spirituality of houses, what to see from each house, useful information about rashis. Second memory tablet is D.A.R.E.S.D for Dhana or wealth and A for Arishta or mishaps. The Fourth Lesson-R for Rajayaoga, E for Exchange, S for Special, consolidated check-list, why the Moon? Results of Moon in different rashis, Moon and your psychology. A Special Addition-A detailed list of what planets and houses represent.
Learn Hindu Astrology Easily
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Learn Hindu Astrology Easily
3rd ed.
Vani Publications, 2008
144p., Figures; Tables; 23cm.
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