The Inventory of Cultural Resources is a village level listing of Ladakh’s vast range of immovable heritage. The information collated for this listing is based largely on interviews with village headmen, owners and custodians of heritage properties, village elders and members of the tsogspa. The main aim of the programme was to understand how communities defined their heritage. The inventory was prepared over a 4 year period and was carried out largely by a team of young Ladakhis who travelled across the two districts of Leh and Kargil visiting 400 villages and hamlets. The information collated by the team is now presented in four volumes and includes around 4250 sites each of which has been individually photographed by the team. These cover a whole range of heritage sites which include both civic, religious and archaeological sites as well as landscape elements such as sacred mountains, pastures and nomadic areas.
Legacy of A Mountain People: Inventory of Cultural Resources of Ladakh (In 4 Volumes)
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Legacy of A Mountain People: Inventory of Cultural Resources of Ladakh (In 4 Volumes)
1st. ed.
Nirlac, 2015
2246p., Profusely Illustrations; 22cm x 31cm.
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