Forestry is a broad subject which deals on multi-disciplinary aspects like Silviculture, forest soils, properties of soils, forests policies, forests law, botany of tree species, surveying protection, logging which includes felling and conversion, transport, storage, mensuration, grading timber etc. There is no horizon end for the subject forestry, in which there is tremendous progress in recent years. The role of forestry in not just limited to economic rewards but enhances the quality of life making the place more attractive to live and work. The coverage of terms is very broad and it is very hard to think more cherished source of information in forestry at a glance. Hence an attempt has been made to bring out a comprehensive glossary of technical terms used in the theory and practice of forestry. Each definitions is considered a short lesson to be understandable as an independent entry. Moreover diagrammatic representations are also included in each subject for easy understanding of the terms. The aim of the glossary is to provide a concise and enough information and examples to give the reader a sound knowledge of forestry. The glossary is made in such a way that it caters to all kinds of audiences, be it an amateur in the field or a veteran in the field and helps them in teaching and learning of forestry. Sincere efforts have been taken to make to readers immerse in the wonderful discipline of forestry.
Lexicon of Biological Sciences: Forestry (Volume I)
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He is the Professor and Head of Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. His experience in teaching research and extension is over 21 years. He has guided 10 M.Sc. (Ag.) and 17 Ph.D. students. He is a recognized guide of Bharathlar University, Coimbatore. He has undergone one year training in Tree Seed Technology at Mississippi State University, USA. He has published 278 research schemes as Principal Investigator funded by various National agencies. In recognition of his outstanding contribution, he has been awarded with 'Best Post-graduate Teacher Award' in 1998. 'Best Scientist Award in Agro-Forestry' in 1999 and 'Madras Agricultural Students in Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Gandhi Gram Rural Instt., Deemed University. He is also consultant to Kerala Forestry Project. He has traveled to several countries in connection with Forestry research and education viz., USA, Japan and Canada.
Dr. K. Natarajan, Assistant Professor of Seed Science and Technology, Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College, Kalavai, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India. He has published 9 research papears, 9 popular articles in International and National Journals. He has also presented 43 research papers in National Seminars and Conferences. He has specialized in flower seed production areas.
K.R.V. Sathya Sheela, is an Assitant professor in Deptt. of Plant Breeding and genetics, Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College, Kalavai, vellore District, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
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Lexicon of Biological Sciences: Forestry (Volume I)
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Lexicon of Biological Sciences: Forestry (Volume I)
1st ed.
x+358p., Figures.
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