Library Cataloguing and Multimedia Libraries

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Normal catalogues can be divided in two forms: old forms (i.e. card and the book catalogues) and the new forms (i.e. microform catalogue). The old forms are unique in the case of book catalogue, expensive to duplicate and heavy to transport. The new forms can be made available in many places, both inside and outside the library. The developed catalogue record is multilayered and multidimensional. It uses computer technology to achieve far more than the mere mechanization of catalogue entry production. Multimedia library; cataloguing technologies, managing the catalogue department; multimedia resources; online services multimedia medium; multimedia catalogue and the computer; and online technical support systems etc. are the major issues focussed at in this volume. This book is likely to prove a reliable and authentic reference tool to all the concerned.


Dr. P.K. Paliwal received his Ph.D. degree from the East West University of Health Sciences in 1979. Presently, he is on the faculty of the Documentation Research Centre, where he is involved in teaching computer proframming, library automation, information retrieval and design development, database management systems and applied statistics. He has also conduceted several short term courses in India and abroad, some of them sponsor by UNESCO. Besides having published more than fifty reset papters, he has authored two books.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Shyama Balakrishnan

Shyama Balakrishnan has been associated with the field of information science for nearly two decades. After having worked at the Centre for Information Processing, she worked with Institute of Health Science, Bombay. Since then she has taken a keen interest in introducing online information services and database services in collaboration with Information Services Inc., U.K. She has presented a number of papers and visited many countries.


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Library Cataloguing and Multimedia Libraries
1st. ed.
viii+292p., 23cm.