Library Computerisation

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The use of computers and associated peripheral media such as magnetic tapes, disks, optical media etc. and utilisation of computer-based products and services in the performance of library functions is know as library automation. The utilisation of computer and related techniques make the provision to provide the right information to right reader at the right time in a right form in a right personal way. Automation of library activities provides the services very rapidly, effectively, adequately and economically.

This book provides an overview of library computerisation, the underlying technologies, design and types of automated systems, standards, implementation process, management and some predictions. For information scientists, library professionals, students, and anyone dealing with issues of automation in the library or information retrieval, this book is destined to become one of the most frequently consulted references.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Purushotham Tiwari

Purushotham Tiwari, a well-known library and information scientist, is working as a professor of library and information science since 2000. His teaching areas cover information science; library automation, electronic information management and copyright issues. His research interests are based around knowledge management, citation studies, electronic information, digital library issues and the development of electronic publishing and electronic libraries. He has been a member in the editorial board of many scholarly publications. He also serves as a consultant to commercial organisations, database producers, academic institutions, libraries and government departments on market research, national information policies, business development, copyright, licences, data protection and database design.


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Library Computerisation
1st ed.
viii+267p., 23cm.