Library Management: A Manual fro Effective Management

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The present book ‘Library Management: A Manual for Effective Management’ is meant for practicing librarians and students pursuing LIS courses. It covers all practical problems generally faced in the management of a library. An attempt is made to provide a concise account of different management techniques along with traditional methods of management to train the library professionals in the new environment. The book is divided into twelve chapters. The first chapter ‘Introduction’ gives a general idea of management, second chapter deals with the development of management thoughts. A complete chapter is dedicated to Elements and Principles of Management. In the modern environment of ICT, it is essential to train the library professionals to cope up with the changed scenario, hence a chapter on Human Resource Development, giving an overview of this aspect comes next. New concepts in the management field like Management by Objectives, Total Quality Management, etc., are discussed in the next chapter. Separate chapters are given on Personnel Management, Financial Management, Space Management and Collection Management. Staffing pattern, job analysis and organizational chart are given under Personnel Management. Chapter on financial management covers financial estimation and various methods of budgeting, etc. The chapter on Space Management deals with the building planning and the planning of furniture in various sections in the library. Collection Management deals with the various aspects of the library collection viz., document selection, document processing and effective use of the documents. A separate chapter is retained on the ‘Maintenance, Perservation and Stock Verification’ covering the preservation and Stock Verification in the libraries. As the role of authorities and committees is very crucial in the management, there is one chapter on Library Authorities, Committees and the Library Rules. We can establish a Management information System (MIS) with the help of computers for effective management, so, the last chapter is dedicated to Computer, Internet and the Library Management, where the role of computers in library management is discussed. An exhaustive bibliography is also provided for the general readers for further reference.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anil Kumar Dhiman

Dr. Anil Kumar Dhiman (born in 1965), is M.Sc., Ph. D. (Botany), M.A. (Pol. Science), B.Ed., M.L.I.Sc., PGDCA and the Ayurveda Ratan. His Doctorate work is based on the Medicinal Flora of Haridwar, which contains information on ethnomedicinal and ethnobotanical uses of the plants. Presently, he is working as Information Scientist in the library of Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar (U.A.). He has taught Botany in Botany Department, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar (U.A.) during 1995-96 under distance education programme and also worked as Counsellor of Library Science for Haridwar Chapter of U.P. Rajrishi Open University, Allahabad for two years 2000 and 2001. Presently, he is Honorary Lecturer at Library Science Training, Roorkee and teaching Library Science to the students of Certificate Course of Library Science. He is elected Fellow of Society of Ethnobotanists, Lucknow (India) and Fellow of United Writer Association of India, and life member of several professional societies viz., Academy of Plant Sciences of India (Muzaffarnagar), Indian Botanical Society, Meerut (India), Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers (Calcutta), Indian Association of Teachers of Library of Information Science, Indian Library Association, Society of Ethnobotanists, Lucknow, Uttaranchal Library Association (Dehradun) and Uttre Pradesh Library Association, (Lucknow). He has nine book to his credit; three in Botany and six in Library Science besides, about more than fifty papers in both fields of his study. He has attended various national seminars and conference and also had been the member of organizing name has been referred in various directories of national and international fames. He is also awarded with the APSI Gold Medal and Young Scientist Award 1999.


Mrs. Yashoda Rani, the better half of Dr. Anil Kumar Dhiman, is M.A., B.Lib.Sc. She has keen interest in library and information science. Besides, she has also contributed a few papers in the journals of Library and Information Science.


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Library Management: A Manual fro Effective Management
1st ed.
viii+424p., Figures; Tables; 23cm.