This fourth edition of Library of Congress Subject Headings : Principles and Application reflects the changes in the continuing development of the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) System since the third edition appeared in 1995. Since that date, use of LCSH has expanded considerably. It is now the most comprehensive nonspecialized controlled vocabulary in the English language; and, in many respects, the system has become a De Facto standard for subject cataloging and indexing in circumstances far beyond those for which it was originally designed. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 gives a brief history of the system, analyzes its principles and describes its provisions for vocabulary and subject authority control. Historical reviews (highlights) are included because they shed light on current practice and provide the background for understanding the theoretical assumptions that have governed how LCSH has developed. Part 2 deals with the Library of Congress’s subject cataloging policies, exemplified by LC subject headings extracted from the Library’s MARC records. With the aim of describing and illuminating current LC subject cataloging practice, it treats the assignment of subject headings in general and also discusses how particular types of materials are handled. New to this edition are discussions and examples of the subject cataloging of various types of electronic resources and interactive media. Part 3 discusses LCSH in the global context of the networked environment; it has been completely rewritten, drawing on recent literature on the subject. Part 3 also includes a chapter on FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology), the LCSH-based controlled vocabulary designed for electronic resources that is currently under development at OCLC Online Computer Library Center. The book is primarily intended fro library and information professionals, library and information science educators, and advanced students; library technicians, paraprofessionals and beginning students may also find it helpful. Comments received on previous editions indicate that, in addition, many outside of the library field have also found the book useful.
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