Life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa

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Je Tsong Khapa (1357-1419) is revered as one of the most significant Tibetan Buddhist teacher whose eclectic and analytic studies and meditations in all the major schools of Tibetan Buddhism resulted in the founding of the Gelugpa system of the Tibetan Buddhist heritage.

The life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa brings together for the first time a number of extremey important and useful works by and on Tsong Khapa touching transcendental aspects of Sutra, Tantra and Insight Meditation, including mystic conversations with a number of intensely moving songs in praise of Tsong Khapa and his immeasurable contribution to Tibetan Buddhist personalities like the Seventh Dalai Lama, Eighth Karmapa, Dulnagpa Palden and Khaydrub Je etc.

Ably translated by a number of Western Buddhist translators in association with Tibetan Buddhist scholars, The life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa edited by Professor Robert Thurman, fulfils a long standing need by the contemporary Dharma community of both the East and the West.


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Life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa
1st. ed.
303p., 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch