Our Greatest Human Yearning Remains Our Need To Know God. Is God outside of you, inside of you, or around you? Is God a person or a power? A fantasy or a reality? How do you relate to God? When you close your eyes and are still, and say the word 'God', what images or thoughts emerge? What does God mean for you? Do you feel anger towards God, fearful of Him, or do you feel ambivalent, as if the word were merely a symbol of a vague unseen power? God is the word we use most often to describe all that we do not understand. Yet it is also the word for all that we do understand. We may have for a long time been under the impression that our individual and collective spiritual awakening is a journey that we must make towards God. This is a perception born of the consciousness of separation. The presence of a book such as Living as God is proof of our growing awareness of our Divinity. The author communicates with effortless simplicity that it is through the acknowledgment of our shared inner Presence that we shall awaken to the realization, that we are already submerged and saturated in God. Each page of this illuminating book soaks our awareness in the dawning realization that God is already present as us. Living as God clearly states that we are all essentially One in spirit, and all things come from this collective soul we call God. This includes you. And knowing this offers us a grand idea – that nothing comes by chance, that we are all connected.
Ashtanga Yoga: Practice and Philosophy
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