Locating the Self: Fragmentation and Reconnection in the Plays of Adrienne Kennedy and August Wilson

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Locating the Self : Fragmentation and Reconnection in the Plays of Adrienne Kennedy and August Wilson is critical study on the plays of Adrienne Kennedy and August Wilson, two contemporary African playwrights. The plays of Adrienne Kennedy exhibit the tragic situation of black women. The central focus of the playwright is to dramatise the plights of black feminine self in the confusion of images and reflections. The technique of personification, metamorphosis and transformation have been used to represent the fragmented selves of the plays. The fragmented selves search for their identities. August Wilson is a significant playwright of Afro-American dramatic tradition. His plays are enjoyable and fascinating. The playwright has used realistic mode and approach to reconnect the fragmented selves.

The theme and thrust of this book is not necessarily divorced from our Indian reality. The Dalit discourse has certain affinity with the writings of black American male and female writers. This book is an offshoot of our awareness of the marginalised society.


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Locating the Self: Fragmentation and Reconnection in the Plays of Adrienne Kennedy and August Wilson
1st ed.
viii+135p., Index; 22cm.