This book was originally published in 1976 and contained 176 pages only. It immediately caught attention of the medical profession and the general public, with the result that every year one or more reprints were published. It was also taken not of by the then President and Vice-President of India, in addition to various other celebrities. The response was so good that I reworked on the book, enlarging it to as many as 300 pages in the second edition, published in 1979. The second edition drew a still wider market, and six years after its publication, we are now publishing a third, revised and enlarged edition. Meanwhile the book has been published in a Hindi version also titled CHUMBAK CHIKITSA which has gone into several reprints. In the present edition, all the acceptable suggestions have been adopted and incorporated. The first sub-head of each chapter has also been printed in this edition. Electricity has been gaining ground in every sphere including Magneto therapy. Electromagnets have been introduced in magnet treatments which are relatively more effective in many chronic ailments. A new chapter on Electromagneto therapy has been added at the end of this edition.
Supernaturalism in Human Life: A Discourse on Myth, Ritual and Religion
This provocative book will ...
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