Make in India: Retrospectives and Perspectives

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Make in India is indeed a call for a new paradigm shift in perspective and a new chapter in the history of Indian business environment.The team India at the helm of affairs is committed to achieve milestone growth through various strategic interventions to reboot the Indian economy. ‘Make in India’ is one such initiative which aims at giving impetus to creating business friendly environment and inviting the world to come and make in India for the world. Nevertheless the road to make in India is not easy, it is replete with both challenges and at the same time tremendous opportunities which India needs to leverage to gain competitive advantage.The sub theme of the book encompasses strategic endeavors towards turning this dream into a reality. The book has been divided into four sections; Section 1 Delineates the Strategies For Growth And Global Competitiveness Taking Into Account The Challenges And The Opportunities.Section 11 Outlines the Strategies For Human Resource Development And Skill Development. Section 111 Explores the Strategies For Leveraging Services And Marketing.Section 1V Chalks Out the Strategies for Creating Responsible Entrepreneurship and Business The collective wisdom of the contributors makes it an all together interesting and informative volume which will be of immense value addition to the researchers, academia, industry and the students of course. It takes into account a comprehensive retrospective and perspective view of the Indian economy and pens down the strategies to achieve the Grand Vision of ‘Make in India’.


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Make in India: Retrospectives and Perspectives
1st. ed.
9385000128, 9789385000126
384p., Illustrations; 25cm.