Thus begins R.K. Narayan's classic chronicle of the adventures of a boy named Swami, and his friends Rajam and Mani, in a sleepy and picturesque South Indian town called Malgudi. Swami's days are full of action-when he is not creating a ruckus in the classroom or preparing in his inimitable way for exams, he's trying to acquire a hoop from the coachman's son to run down the Malgudi streets, playing tricks on his grandmother, or stoning the school windows, inspired by a swadeshi demonstration. But the greatest feat of Swami and his friends lies in putting together a cricket team for the 'MCC' (the Malgudi Cricket Club) and challenging the neighbouring Young Men's Union to a match. Just before the match, however, things go horribly, horribly wrong, and Swami has no option but to run away from home, wanting never to return to Malgudi again… Malgudi Schooldays is a brilliantly evocative and delightfully funny account of the growing-up years from one of the greatest English language writers of our time. Includes a slightly abridged version of the novel Swami and Friends along with two other Swami stories, available together for the first time. Features fifteen black-and-white illustrations by R.K. Laxman. Attractive design. The first in a series of Indian literature classics on the Puffin list.
The Ramayana: A Great Indian Epic Retold by a Great Indian Writer
For centuries, Indians have ...
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