With the ever-increasing size, multiplicity and complexity of modern business, industry and varied types of organizational establishments–government, public and private sectors and the accelerating trend towards professionalisation of management as a result of ever-advancing sophisticated, scientific and technological developments, the functional areas of personnel management, vitally concerned with the manpower planning, selection, training and development, have come to play a pivotal role in the management of business and industrial enterprises and government establishments. Of the few available studies particularly in the Indian context, in the field of personnel management, this book perhaps is distinctive with some of its unique features like analytical and clear exposition of concerned concepts, vivid and wider description and treatment of involved principles–their practical utility and application in the organizational working operations; empirical discussion and treatment with their wider explanations, implication, use, application and methodology of the latest and varied all-dimensional tools, methods and techniques deployed in manpower planning, selection, training and development, with particular emphasis on managerial manpower, and so forth. The learned auto provides in this book direct and practical solutions to the problems that executives, administrators and those concerned with personnel management and Human Resources Development come to face in their day-to-day working, particularly in the Indian context. This book is intended to serve as a very handy and comprehensive text for students of commerce, business administration and personnel management for their relative courses. It should also meet the requirements of academicians–the research scholars and teachers, and also practitioners in the field of management at all levels more particularly those concerned with personnel management and human resource development — personnel directors, personnel managers, personnel officers, both in the public and private sectors and also government, semi-government departments, institutions and organisations concerned with their staff employment and administration.
Manpower: Planning, Selection, Training and Development
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Manpower: Planning, Selection, Training and Development
1st ed.
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