Manpower Profile India—Yearbook is an annual publication of the Institute of Applied Manpower Research. It provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on various characteristics of human resource in India available from different sources. It depicts how human resource, generated through the prevailing demographic factors, is transformed into manpower through a process of education and training and then utilised for various socio-economic activities. The Manpower Profile had been conceived of as a document providing, at one place, all relevant information on various parameters which are crucial and useful for planning purposes, indicating the source and their limitations so that the planners, policy makers, researchers and other users need not hunt for data available with different sources. Since its inception in 1993, some more parameters have been added in its subsequent annual editions viz., vital statistics, child labour, gender issues, health status, activities of age 60+, activities of youth, international comparisons, glossary etc. In the current edition which is ninth in the series, an addition of five new tables on decision making position of women has been made in the section on Gender Issues. It also provides the additional feature of "Index to Indicators", to help the users in locating the parameters.

Manpower Profile India Year Book 2000
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Manpower Profile India Year Book 2000
1st ed.
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