Man has always been intrigued by human psychology. He has tried to fathom the complex workings of the human mind. Margaret Atwood is one such world acclaimed contemporary Canadian writer who seems to have mastered the skill of interpreting human mind. This book seeks to analyse all her characters psychologically. The book reveals Margaret Atwood’s preoccupation with the psychological facts of human beings. When her characters are probed, one sees them as human beings with weaknesses and potentialities. When they are understood psychoanalytically their ambition, disappointment and loneliness could be visualized as real. Her characters are not heroes or heroines devoid of human weaknesses. They are ordinary human beings with normal human limitations. Margaret Atwood’s technique reinforces her artistic vision of life without losing its meaning and completeness of expression through the use of narrative devices such as symbols, dreams and linguistic methods. Throughout, her main concern that of portraying the troubled psyche is perfectly geared to depict the conflicts of her protagonists.
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