Marine Chemistry

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This book, first of its kind in India is a modest attempt of the Author to bridge the gap of a text book on Marine Chemistry for undergraduate (Honours) and Post-graduate students of marine/Ocean Sciences, Earth/Environmental, and Fishery sciences of the Indian Universities. It is designed in such a way that it can be read on its own or studied a part of any of the above courses. The subject is introduced at a level which can be followed easily by practicing Environmental Scientists and Engineers. The book is intended to provide latest information on chemical processes and distribution of chemical constituents in world oceans with special emphasis on the Indian seas. A multidisciplinary approach is followed in presenting the subject. The book not only deals with the basic principles of chemistry, but also with physico-chemical and biogeochemical processes in the oceans such as transfer of gases across air-sea interface, biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and trace metals, and their involvement in food chain and life processes. Developments on the use of radioactive isotopes as tracers for the study of oceanic processes, geochronology of sediments and growth rates of manganese nodules are presented in a lucid manner. Chemical reactions and mechanism of Pphotosynthesis, interrelationships of organic matter and nutrients with primary production are explained in detail.


Prof. D. Satnarayana is a distinguished Marine Chemist. He served in Andhra University (1967-97) in several academic positions as head of the Department, Chairman, PO Board of Studies and Director, School of Chemistry. He initiated a full-fledged two year specialization of marine chemistry at postgraduate level, the first of its kind in the Indian universities and taught over 20 years. He has varied experience in research covering solvent extraction and coordination chemistry of lanthanides, Marine pollution, geochemistry of marine sediments, biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and trace metals in the marine environment. He trained 15 doctorate students and published over 100 papers in various National and International Journals. Prof. Satyanarayana visited several countries -Germany, Canada, UK, France, Austria and Participated in International seminars. He was awarded Dr. E.C. La Fond Medal for presenting best paper from the developing countries in IAPSO (International Association of Physical sciences of Oceans) held at Vienna (1991.) He was associated with several national and International committees -Indian Scientific committee on Ocean research (SCOR), Research Council of national Institute of Oceanography, International Commission for Cooperation with developing Countries. He is currently associated as member with Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction Systems (COMAPS) of DOD, Government of India; Coastal Zone Management Authority (CZMA) and Shore Area Development Authority (SADA), Government of Andhra Pradesh; and as consultant of delta Studies Institute, Andhra University. 


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Marine Chemistry
1st ed.
xiv+191p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.