The volume presents Prof. L. C. Jain’s pioneering work on the mathematical content of classical Jaina karman theoretical texts. It discusses the mathematically refined forms of the karma system’s theoretical approach with reference to Digambara commentaries on the Satkhandagama and the Kasayapahuda. The Satkhandagama and the Kasayapahuda are the two fundamental and profound Jaina texts on the mathematical theory of karma (or action) of the so-called Digambara Siddhanta. The Gommatasara is considered a synopsis of the Satkhandagama. This volume presents the original text in Sanskrit of the Gommatasara Jivakanda. Nemichandra’s Gommatasara (Essence of Excellence) was regarded as one of the most sacred works of the Digamabara tradition until the rediscovery of the manuscripts of the Satkhandagama and the Kasayapahuda. It is considered as important for the study of the author’s work, Labdhisara. This volume gives the text of the Gommatasara accompanied by its lucid translation in both Hindi and English. Referring to diverse materials, it has a detailed introduction that throws light on the mathematical content of the Gommatasara and the Labdhisara texts and establishes the necessary link between hem. It also presents, importantly, an English rendition of the Artha Samdrsti, Gauge (measure) Symbolism, which was a chapter in Pandita Todaramala’s eighteenth-century Samyag-Janan Chandrika that explains the symbolism and meaning of the mathematical verses in Nemichandra’s work. The value of decoding the mathematical, scientific and philosophical content of Nemichanra’s work and so the classical Digambara doctrines of karman is immense in the larger context of ancient mathematical science. The volume therefore will interest scholars and students involved in the study of ancient Indian mathematics and science.
Mathematical Sciences in the Karma Antiquity (In 2 Volumes)
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Mathematical Sciences in the Karma Antiquity (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.
xviii+ix-lxxi+734p., 28cm.
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