Medical Tourism: A Growth Industry

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Medical Tourism is a developing concept whereby people from world over visit India for their medical and relaxation needs. Most common medical cases are heart surgery, knee transplant, cosmetic surgery and dental care. The reason India is a favorable destination is because of its infrastructure and technology which is at par with other developed countries. India has some of the best hospitals and specialized doctors recognized all over the world along with the best facilities. India is promoting the "high-tech healing" of its private healthcare sector as a tourist attraction. Merging medical expertise and tourism, India will soon become a "global health destination" with low cost but world class medical treatment. This book highlights the requirement of a brand image for Indian hospital to cater to and attract medical tourism. The book is divided into two sections. The first section of the book "Medical Tourism and Brand Image of Hospitals in India" focuses on the increasing number of medical tourists to India and how hospitals are branding themselves to welcome them. The second section of the book "Cases" states cases to confirm the data provided in section I.


Dr. Rishi Anand holds an MBBS degree from North West Bengal University, Siligudi and Masters in Surgery (ENT) from Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Pune. Currently, he is involved in serving the citizens through private practice. He was earlier associated with Jaunpur Medical Hospital as a Medical Officer for about four years. He has been academically active with papers published in various journals and presented in several national conferences.


Smita Gupta holds a B.A. (Hons.) and an M.A. in Psychology from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. She is currently working as a Senior Faculty Member at Icfai Business School, Pune, where she teaches OB and HR. She has around four years of research experience in the area of Human Resource Management. Many of her research papers were published in national and international journals and magazines. She is the recipient of ‘Best Paper Presenter’ (second prize) award for one of her papers presented in the National HR Summit, conducted by Institute of HRD in 2006. Subsequently, the paper has also been published as a chapter in the book ‘Performance Management’ published by Institute of HRD. Her areas of interest are Organizational Behavior and Psychology of Personality.


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Medical Tourism: A Growth Industry
1st ed.