Just as in the area of Medical Dictionary Diksonrij are available, they are in English or English and from English into Hindi, but Hindi and English are available in the Medical Dictionary. Even on the Internet are not available. To troubleshoot this problem required a dictionary. Many diseases or symptoms usually are not pure medical technical knowledge, such as nervousness, Becheni, bromhidrosis, plantar Dah, Bangapan, Gndhj?an lack of knowledge, lack of taste, lack of will, Clnen ants on the skins appearance, body abnormal hair growth, blackness appeared to be no stopping urine and feces, ageusia, remember not to be named, sweat more to come, gnashing of teeth at bedtime, it has many difficulties. Similarly, ayurvedic pure Hindi and English meaning of the words and the gist task was to know. The problem arose because of the need for the creation of the dictionary and it has been made for it.
Paraphrase pure ayurvedic terms is a very difficult task to do. Significant effort has been presented in the book. Hindi word in a word in the book first, then a detailed free translation, the English translation of a word, then the net free translation to English pronunciation and then has been extended so that the reader can understand the meaning well.
Medical and Ayurvedic Doctors and students presented the book, Farmesists, Dental, Physiotherapists, Homeopathy Doctors, Peramedikl staff, and medical and Ayurvedic Medical Prektisnrs interested in science will prove helpful for normal people.
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