Melting Glaciers And Rising Sea Levels: Impacts and Implications

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The melting of glaciers has become a major focus of concern in global warming. An overview of retreating glaciers presents an alarming scenario with potentially devastating consequences. Over two third of the earth’s area consists of oceans. Sea level rise due to glacier melting is associated with damage to coastal infrastructure and the likelihood of displacement of coastal communities. Understanding the impacts of retreating glaciers and sea level rise is essential to plan at the local, national and international level. The book focuses on the economic and ecological impacts of melting glaciers and problems associated with rising sea levels. A wide range of adaptations and mitigation measures will be required to assist policy makers to cope with the root cause of the problem. Truly, global effort can save glacier melting. The efforts have to be backed by financial and administrative will. The policy issues arising from these impacts and the response of policy to this challenge are analyzed in this book. It brings out an urgent need for Polar research. The book is divided into two sections. Section 1 presents an overview of melting glaciers and rising sea levels in a global perspective and Section 2 gives impacts and mitigations. The articles cover glacier retreat and subsequent impacts in Nepal, India and China, Tarim basin, European Alps, the shrinking of Kilimanjaro and Antarctic ice, tourism in polar regions, understanding sea level rise and variability, Keeping afloat: A strategy for small island nations.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Prabha Shastri Ranade

Prabha Shastri Ranade holds a Master's degree in Geography and Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Nagpur University. She has over 25 years of teaching and research. experience. She is currently working as Consulting Editor at Icfai Business School Research Centre, Ahmedabad. She started her career as Research Officer at National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization, (Government of India) Kolkata, and has moved to teaching of Geography at Nagpur University. Later, she was awarded UGC's Research Associateship for post doctoral research projects, under which she worked at Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi for about 15 years. She has contributed numerous articles in academic journals, conference proceedings, edited books, newspapers and the Encyclopedia of World Geography (New York). She has edited a few books published by the Icfai University Press and also published four books, 'Maharashtra', under States of Our Union Series, by the Publications Division of Government. of India; Population Dynamics in India by Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi; Industries and Environment: A Study of Impact Assessment by APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi; and a text book on "Geography" for the Maharashtra State Text Book Bureau, Pune. She has presented research papers at various national and international conferences and seminars, held within the country and abroad. She was the recipient of "Young Scientist" honour by the Indian Science Congress for her research contribution. Her areas of expertise and interests include geography, population, resources and environment.


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Melting Glaciers And Rising Sea Levels: Impacts and Implications
1st ed.