William Tayler came to India in 1829 having been assigned Indian Writership duringthe time of Lord William Bentinck. He held several Important assignments. One after the other, at different places. He was Postmaster-General, and in that capacity he made tours from Calcutta to Benaras both by road and by river. He visited Nepal also. He served at Arrah as a Judge for five years and made many friends. Then he was appointed Commissioner of Patna. During his tenure at Patna, the great uprising known as ‘Mutiny of 1857’ broke out. He managed the affairs with the best of his abilities. But he was charged for his socalled ‘Violent and Unwise proceedings’ by Lt. Governor Sir Halliday. This resulted in the sad removal of Tayler from the commissionership of Patna. His appeals yielded no fruitful results. Later on, Tayler restgned and started a legal agency at Patna. He soon became well-known as a Barrister. Tayler saw the reigns of eight Governors General from Lord William Bentinck to Lord Lawrence from 1829 to 1867. His Memoira contain numerous incidentsk and adventures, official, personal, tragick and comic, from grave to gay, from lively to severe, stories about plants and birds, people and culture, the thugee, the dacoity, the sutee, the education systemk etc.etc. His accountsk are lively, Tayler has exposed the ‘officialism’ and ‘favouritism’ in official business of his time. The book is likely to prove exceedingly usefull both for laymen and scholars who want to study the early period of rule of East India Company.
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