More workers are crossing national borders to look for jobs than ever before. Many migrants seek overseas employment with the help of agents or intermediaries. These ‘merchants of labour’ include relatives who finance a migrant’s trip, provide housing and arrange for job abroad; public employment services; and private recruitment agencies. They also comprise an insalubrious underworld of smugglers and traffickers. The agents who recruit and deploy migrant workers are at the heart of the evolving migration infrastructure, i.e. the network of business and personal ties that is creating a global labour market. This book highlights best practices in the activities and regulation of these ‘merchants of labour’ as well as innovative strategies to project migrants workers, underlining the contribution of ILO standards. It covers a broad range of national and regional experiences and puts ‘merchants of labour’ in the wider context of changing employment relationships in globalizing labour markets. The papers it contains are an important contribution to understanding a major mechanism facilitating the growth of the migrant labour force. Their emphasis on best practice models and examples will make this publication useful to governments, international institutions, and researches around the world.
Merchants of Labour
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Merchants of Labour
1st ed.
Bookwell Publications, 2006
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