Milestones of Child Development

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Milestones of Child Development book is intended to be a textbook, covers all the child development courses of Study, describe the general historic trends of child development and its application. It is not only for student but also a text guide to psychologists, parents and teachers. This book Involves total thirteen chapters i.e. physical development, motor development, social and emotional development, play development, intelligence development, intellectual development, creativity development, language development, personality development and moral development and lastly cognitive development of the child, which are written in very simple and easy language. It has therefore been written with a view to provide students with a simplified, straight forward, precise and intelligible account of major concepts by all universities.


Maimun Nisha, a Post Graduate of Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar, orrisa, began her career in the private sector like Dietetics and weight management clinic. She is a research student of Home Science department, Utkal university, BBSR, Orrisa. A PG Degree-holder in Computer Science, degree-holder in Teachers Training, Diploma-holder in Food an Nutrition and Rural Development. She is staying at New Delhi enjoys reputation as an expert on nutrition clinic and weight loss management. She is a writer. Her articles on food and nutrition published in various newspapers. Her diets and natural way of weight loss programmes were highly appreciated by the public. She spend her time for further research and writing books. Her research interest are in the field of child psychology, child development, nutrition, Classroom teaching, Gifted children and Disadvantaged children, Rural Development and Home Science. Making new handicrafts, new bonsai, cooking, painting and interiors are her favorite hobbies and she has authored several books and participated in seminars and her interest in cultural activities. She has taken award for her creativity and her academic career is excellent.


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Milestones of Child Development
1st ed.
295p., Tables; Index; 23cm.