The "Mimamsa Theory of Meaning" is devoted to the task of explaining the Vakyartha according to the Prabhakara school of Purva-Mimamsa. The present work is based on the Vakyar-Thamatrka of Salikanatha Misra, the most celebrated writer of the Prabhakara Mimamsa. In this work, the author has discussed critically and comparatively the factors, viz. Akamksa, Yogyata and Sannidhi which are called the causes of Understanding the Vakyartha. Moreover, the two popular theories of Verbal comprehension namely, the Abhihitanvayavada of the Bhatta Mimamsa and the Anvitabhidhanavada of the Prabhakaramimamsa are discussed. The author has also discussed some important issues such as Sakit, Laksana, Adhyahara, Vidhi, Arthavada, Bhavana, Apurva and Karya, etc. The theories of Bhavanavakyartha of the Bhattas and Niyogavakyartha of the Prabhakaras have also been dealt with ciritically and comparatively. Thus the book will be of great help to the readers of the Prabhakara Mimamsa in respect of the theory of Meaning.
Mimansa Theory of Meaning: Based on the Vakyarthamatrka
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Mimansa Theory of Meaning: Based on the Vakyarthamatrka
1st. ed.
xii+86p., Notes; References; Glossary; Index; 22cm.
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