Mission from the Underside-Transforming Theological Education in Asia. This book is an outcome of 30 years of Dr. Huang Po Ho’s theological journey in Taiwan and Asia. Of particular significance are his more than a decade of experience and engagement with SEAGST (South East Asia Graduate School of Theology) and ATESEA (Association for Theological Education in South East Asia).
Po Ho argues that unless we take the perspective of the margin and do theology from the underside of history, theological will make very little impact on the life of the Church. The gospel takes a decisive location. It stands for the victimes and poor in all historical situations. It demands us to locate the incarnation of Jesus in the middle of people struglling for selfhood and right to life. We need to consciously distance ourselves from the intellectual and dogmatic approach of theology. All forms of discrimination and marginalization based on gender, ethnic identities, social and economic have to be resisted since God is actively present with the victims of systems in all historical context. Therefore, doing theology from the margin is the only option. This perspective is powerfully articulated in this book.
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