Mister Sapatnekar’s Child and Four Billion Forgetfuls

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Makarand Sathe has established himself as a playwright to be reckoned with on the Marathi stage, with a unique brand of wit and humour that distinguishes his plays from those of other writers. In Mr Sapatnekar’s Child, a couple cannot have a child; there is tension between them as the husband encourages the wife to resort to artificial insemination, and yet is torn by internal insecurities at the thought of it; the wife resists initially, knowing that her husband is unsure about his own feelings. Sathe injects this potentially melodramatic narrative with large doses of fantastical elements—like invisible clowns who are messengers of god, and who reveal themselves to human beings at their own discretion—and lighthearted dialogic exchanges. In Four Billion Forgetfuls Sathe plays freely with time and space, tossing them up and down with the delight of a child playing with a ball. The play, which sweeps freely between 1985 and 3985 (B.C.? A.D.?), when human beings have started using time as currency, is a clever expos? of the unscrupulous corporate world. Makarand Sathe (b. 1957) has been writing for the Marathi stage for a decade now, and his plays have been produced by leading theatre groups in Maharashtra. He has received the prestigious Natyadarpan award for playwriting.


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Mister Sapatnekar’s Child and Four Billion Forgetfuls
1st ed.