Biology: Biology is the study of life. It is concerned with such topics as the characteristics, classification, and behaviours of organisms, how species come into existence, and the interactions they have with each other and with the natural environment. It encompasses a broad spectrum of academic fields that are often viewed as independent disciplines. It is one of the most prominent scientific fields. This book is designed for pre-service and in-service biology teachers interested in learning more about how to teach biology effectively and how to navigate the academic job market. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume will be a valuable learning tool and reference source for anyone who needs to master the science of life. Chemistry: Teaching of Chemistry is different from teaching other conventional disciplines, as applied or practical aspect is equally important in chemistry teaching besides the theory. This book is addressed to many issues and approaches to chemistry teaching. It proposes ways of building competence in Chemistry teachers. It is designed for the purpose of chemistry teachers and teacher-trainers besides the policy-planners. The book describes innovative approaches to teach Chemistry effectively. Every effort has been made to ensure that teachers will enjoy the approaches so they will become meaningfully engaged in the processes of teaching Chemistry. Consequently, they will help students to acquire knowledge of basic chemistry concepts and the application and relevance of those to their everyday lives. Mathematics is the body of knowledge centred on concepts such as quantity, structure, space, and change, and also the academic discipline that studies them. it is used throughout the world in many fields including natural science, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences such as economics. To teach mathematics to students of modern world, teachers need several different kinds of mathematical knowledge -Knowledge about the whole domain; deep flexible knowledge about curriculum goals and about the important ideas that are central to their grade level; knowledge about how the ideas can be represented to teach them effectively; and knowledge about how students’ understanding can be assessed. This book is designed to provide student teachers with knowledge and experience to enable them to become effective secondary mathematics teachers. Emphasis is given to modes of instruction, problem solving, use of technology, assessment, and national standards, Special attention is given to the teaching of geometry, algebra, statistics, and discrete mathematics. Physics: Physics is the science concerned with the elementary constituents of the universe and their interactions, as well as the analysis of systems best understood in terms of these fundamental principles. It attempts to describe the natural world by the application of logic and the scientific method, through a process which includes both modeling by theoreticians and detailed observations and e4xperiements. This book is about how to teach physics effectively. The intended audience is any physics teacher who is interested in learning about recent developments in physics education. In contrast to some other teachers’ guides, it is not a review of specific topics in physics with hints for how to teach them and lists of what common student difficulties are. Rather, it is a book with a variety of tools for improving both teaching and learning of physics.
Modern Methods of Teaching: In 4 Volumes
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Dr, Biswajit Ray received his PhD in Organic Chemistry in 1989 and has since been the primary teacher of Chemistry to students in the education and health professions. He has extensive experience in working with inservice and pre-service teachers on curriculum development and pedagogical strategies. He has served on numerous administrative committees during his teaching career and also worked in the editorial board of many science magazines. He has introduced the use of a number of new technologies for teaching Chemistry. Including laboratory interfaces, online home-work and essays, and lecture response devices. Fir the past ten years, he has been actively engaged in creating and testing interactive computer-based resources in chemistry classrooms. He has also conducted many workshops and summer classes for Chemistry teachers throughout India.
Dr. Deepak Dayal, a renowned teacher of physics, is having fourteen years of experience in his profession. He is M.Sc. (physics), M.d., and completed Ph.D. in Education. He is an honorary member in the administrative board of many famous educational institutions in India and abroad. He has organised many regional level. State level as well as national conferences on education and has published many educational articles in newspapers and magazines. He has also given the guidance to the students appearing for scholarship, MTS, NTS, B.Ed., CET examinations. Presently he is busy in writing educational books, which are likely to published very soon.
Richa Bhatt is a renowned life science teacher with a masters degree in educational technology. She has taught all levels of biology teaching biology in 1990 and has been a consultant for the private college since 1995. She has also been a presenter at national, and international science conferences. She has led several teacher professional development workshops, both for the college boards and for universities. She has experience at both the graduate and postgraduate level. In addition to teaching, she loves to design curriculum, lead workshop sessions, and in biological researches. Her research interests include the functional transitions in the history of life, their role in concepts of biological identity and their uses in interpreting patterns of evolution. She is also interested in the teaching of the history of life; and the interface between science and religion, especially as it relates to biological evolution.
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Modern Methods of Teaching: In 4 Volumes
1st ed.
viii+240p.; viii+232p.; viii+232p.; viii+228p., Tables; Figures; Notes; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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