Modern trends in commonwealth literature is perhaps the first comprehensive survey of literature of this multicultural grouping of peoples and societies. Besides chapters on individual writers such as Nadine Gardimar, Wilson Harris, R.K. Narayan, Patrick White, Salman Rusdie Henry James, Edith Wharton, James Dickey, Toni Morrison, Chinua Chebe, Wok Soyinka, W.H. Auden, Graham Green, T.S. Eliot, E.F. Forster, Toru Dutt, Sarojini Naidu, Premchand, V.S. Naipaul, Mulk Raj Anand, Ved Mehta, Octavio Paz etc. there are chapters on literary development in the countries comprising the Commonwealth. This work makes a significant contribution towards interpreting the Commonwealth, through its vast store house of literature.
The Modern English Novel
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