Modernisation and its Impact on Indian Women

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"While there is a considerable and growing body of literature concerning, the modernisation of women in social and economic development in India, appropriate research methods have yet to be developed to fully encompass the multiple dimensions of women’s productive and reproductive activities as individuals and as members of households. The important volumes are a major step in improving the quality and quantity of date on women. The present publication attempts to bring together focussed readings on various aspects of the modern women. It comprises of papers, articles and extracts pertaining to the urban working woman and the parameters of possible working life. It also touches upon the equations that have been arrived at in the prevalent culture of combining family life with work outside the home. The materials thus also extend to relevant determinants such as, investing in women’s work and development and empowerment and enablement in terms of equality of opportunity and status."


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Modernisation and its Impact on Indian Women
1st ed.
viii+216p., 23cm.