The present book is an attempt to ascertain the extent of modernization that has taken place among the youth i.e., rural and tribals through their exposure to the adult education programmes. The book has been presented in five chapter viz., Introduction, Design of the study. Role of Adult Education in Modernization, Factors contributing for the modernization among youth and Summary and conclusions with suggestions. The book will be a good tool for the field functionaries and researchers in the field of adult education to adopt innovative measures for re-structuring the programme to bring behavioural changes among youth. Adult Education Programmes were designed not only to promote the literacy, but also, the functionality and awareness leading to me overall development of the individual. Realizing the important role of adult education in case of out of school youth and their contribution to the economic well-being of the society, the age group of the target programmes has been fixed to 15-35 years. The main aim of fixing the age group is to modernize the youth in terms of their aspirations, attitudes, future orientation and innovativeness. The curriculum contents of the adult literacy programmes have been designed to realize the above.
Dimensions of Panini Grammar: The Indian Grammatical System
Leonard Bloomfield described ...
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