"In recent times the low status of the girl child in India has received much attention. Press reports and studies have pointed to the prevalence of discrimination against the girl child not only by men but even by women including mothers. There is thus an urgent need to change the negative attitudes of the family, especially those of the mothers, in order to ameliorate the condition of the girl child. Addressing this key issue, the present book illustrates the efficacy of a methodology based on cognitive therapy techniques for attitude reconstruction. In this study, perhaps for the first time, the techniques of a clinical intervention like cognitive therapy have been used in changing gender and social attitudes. The particular issues examined include attitudes towards the education, nutrition, health care, and socialization of the girl child. This book would be of interest to all the universities and colleges offering courses in Psychology, Sociology, Social Work and Women Studies. In the applied field, it would also serve as a handbook for family life education and as a work of reference for functionaries in government and voluntary agencies concerned with women and child development, welfare, education and health."
Mother and Girl Child: Reconstructing Attitudes
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Mother and Girl Child: Reconstructing Attitudes
1st ed.
240p., Figures.
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