The phenomenon of globalization and the growth of the Internet and broadband are slowly transforming the world into a global village. This blurring of physical limits has enabled companies to expand the scope of their operations to a global level. For companies going global, the basic need is to market to consumers of different regions with different cultural identities, values, beliefs and traditions. Such companies attune themselves to the prevailing cultural environment, as with India, a land of myriad languages and religious denominations. This book examines how culture affects the different parts of the marketing mix like product design, promotion, and distribution especially in India. It also looks at how the MNCs that came to India, customized their products to suit the cultural preferences of Indian engage with customers in a meaningful way in order to develop an emotional bond. A brand that succeeds in this objective is able to capture the mindshare of customers. Basing the marketing strategy on the culture and habits of a particular customer segment can help marketers achieve this objective. This book examines how culture affects the different parts of the marketing mix like product design, promotion, and distribution especially in India. This book is valuable for students, teachers, researchers and practitioners of marketing.
Multicultural Marketing: An Introduction
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Multicultural Marketing: An Introduction
1st ed.
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