Mapping of resources of the country and an evaluation of their present status and future potential is a national issue. Accordingly, the National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, took up compilation of several atlases depicting the basic resources of the country. The present work is a part of that attempt. An effort has been made to bring out a set of popular maps and, thus, this present Abridged edition of their flagship publication National Atlas of India. 30 coloured plates in different aspects have been included in such a manner that users would get a clear and informative collection of maps depicting the popular themes on India at on place.The timing of bringing out this atlas is of much significance because the NATMO is celebrating the centenary functions of their founder-Director Prof. Chatterjee because he was a great exponent of producing atlases in different languages.
National Atlas of India: Abridged Edition
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National Atlas of India: Abridged Edition
1st ed.
viii+30 Plates; Col. Maps; 56cm.
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