Stretching for a length of about 2400 kms, an average width of 250 kms and rising to elevations of more than 7000 mts, the Himalaya are amongst the most imposing features on the face of the earth. This mountain system is a vast storehouse of natural resources, which includes water, ice, soil, rocks, minerals, forests, grasslands and wild animals. Infact, many of south Asia’s largest rivers either rise or flow through this complex mountain system. These resources have been used by human beings for the past many centuries. Their sustainable use and management affects the lives of millions of people living in this mountain region and also in the plains. This book, the first in a series of five on natural resource management in the Himalaya, deals with land, water and environmental management. It is meant as a handy reference book for natural resource managers, scientists, planners, students, researchers and also the layman interested to know more about natural resource management in the Himalaya. During the preparation of this book considerable published and unpublished literature has been consulted and hence no originality is claimed.
Large Dams in India: Environmental, Social & Economic Impacts
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