Each number has a significance of its own. The same numbers repeat to grow into infinity. Likewise, the time cycle governs this universe. The seasons, the month, the day, the hour, the minute, the second—all these contribute their own role. All these are based on numbers—the numerals. Music—the finest of fine arts, was justly considered by the ancients as the key to all sciences and arts, as the link between physics and meta physics, through which the universal laws and their multiple applications could be studied. Rhythms is the primordial phenomenon found in all the elements of Mother Nature. Rhythm exists in the microcosm and also in macrocosm. The Rhythm, which is expressed only by numerals, has its own effect on the human mind also. The number Nine has influenced me even from my birth. My date of birth falls on the 18 (April). Surprisingly my husband’s date of birth has taken the same date—18 (January). If our dates of birth came on (9×2), my son’s date of birth is on square root of 9 i.e. 3 (December). Slowly, this number began showing its role on major incidents in my life. Finally I took to a study of the influence of this number on my favourite subject—Music. In this book I have tried my best to unravel the influence of this number on other fields such as Puranic literature, iconography, poetry, dance etc. etc. This magic number has shown its mettle through the group Kritis of famous composers, the prominent being the Musical Trinity. In addition to all these, as a special study, I have tried just to have a glimpse on Kamalamba Navavarana Kritis. The Nava Avaranas—the Nine enclosures in the mystic Yantra Shree Chakras have immense influence even on human life. Each Kriti in this group unravels the mystery of the Avarana Devatas and help us to reach our ultimate aim—God realisation.
The Concept & Evolution of Raga in Hindustani and Karnatic Music
This book explains The ...
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