Need for Women Empowerment

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"Women empowerment as well as their participation on the basis of equality in all spheres of society is fundamental to the advancement of human rights, social justice and sustainable development. While most ongoing discussions relate to equality of women with men, the issues of Indian women are primarily developmental. Despite the acceptance of human resource development as a major tool of development and progress, women in India do not even have access to basic facilities affecting the quality of life. This book, thus, attempts to study women empowerment in India with special reference to the state of Madhya Pradesh. Beginning with the past and current Government interventions made in this direction, the book addresses analytical issues like gender discrimination, population dynamics, health, education and employment. These parameters have been supported by rich data in order to explore the interlinkages between gender and development. The priorities that have emerged give a fresh insight into the understanding of the whole process of women empowerment."


Neeta Tapan is Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Higher Education Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh. Having been engaged in teaching and research for the last 20 years, she has more than 50 papers published in reputed journals and edited books. Her first book on Need for Women Empowerment was well received. She has also been awarded the UGC-UNFPA Fellowship. She successfully completed a major research project funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. At present she is working on a project as a recipient of UGC Post-doctoral Research Award in Economics for 2009-2011.


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Need for Women Empowerment
1st ed.
212p., 23cm.