As a part of IGCP Project – 329 entitled ‘Palaeogeographic and Palaeoecologic evolution of Paratethyan basins during neogene and their correlation to global scales’, the National Working Group, set up by the Indian National Committee for IGCP, decided to prepare a composite document on various aspects of Indian neogene. The main purpose was to summaries the available data and place it together so that it could be utilised by workers interested in or intending to work on neogene sequences of India. An attempt is made here to present in brief the data on various neogene sequences which include northwestern and eastern Himalaya and adjoining regions, Andaman-Nicobar, Krishna-Godavari and western offshore basins. The various aspects covered are: palynology, megaplants, charophytes, molluscs, ostracodes, foraminifera and vertebrate faunas. Magnetostratigraphic data and biostratigraphy of the Siwalik group are also discussed in brief.

Neogene Sequences of India: IGCP Project : 329
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Neogene Sequences of India: IGCP Project : 329
1st ed.
80p., Figures; Maps
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