The same basic principles of environment, methods of dating, tool typo-technology and methods of study along with the ethno-archaeological methods used in the reconstruction of the palaeolitiic and Mesolithic cultures of different time levels in different parts of the world, are also employed in the study of the Neolithic and pot-neolithic cultures, which constitute the subject matter of the present book. The book comprises four chapters followed by bibliography and provided by ten figures of line drawings of illustrations. The first chapter on the food producing cultures deals with the concept of Neolithic revolution followed by the evidence from the Near East, Europe and India. The evidence from India has been discussed at great length considering the evidence from the explorations and excavations carried out by different workers in the southern, eastern and northern parts of the subcontinent. The southern Neolithic cultures have been dicussed in minute detail covering the different dimensions of the cultural life of the people. The second chapter has been devoted to the chalcolithic cultures of India with reference to different geographical regions such as the Northern deccan, Central India and Banas Valley. The third chapter on the advent of civilization and the Indus Valley Civilisation examines the concept of civilization as such and states the different centers of civilization followed by the study of the Indus Valley civilization in depth. In the fourth and final chapter, the Indian megaliths, their distributions, general features and significance have been succinctly documented from the stand point of extinct megaliths and the living megalithism. The bibliography includes many important works for further reading.
Neolithic and Post-Neolithic Cultures
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Professor Vallapureddy Rami Reddy (b. 1930) M.Sc., Ph.D. is currently serving as Professor of Physical Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology, S.V. University, Tirupati. He is life member of several prestigious organizations like the Indian Anthropological Association, Indian Science Congress Association, Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, Vice President, Indian Anthropological Society and life member of Indian Human Genetic Society and also the Executive Committee. He was the organizer of symposium on Dental Anthropology and its Applications under theauspices of 12th international Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Services held at Zagreb during July 24-31, 1988. He participated in the VIII International Symposium on Dental Morphology held at Jerusalem during May 7-11, 1989 in which he presented a paper on “Trends in Hominid Dental Evolution: An Appraisal.†Besides, Elements of Prehistory and Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Cultures, Prof. Rami Reddy has several outstanding books to his credit. He has over 100 research papers which have been published in national and international journals and has presented Papers in national and international conferences. He has visited a number of European countries in pursuit of his academic assignments.
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Neolithic and Post-Neolithic Cultures
1st ed.
vi+138p., Figures; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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