This book presents a wide range of expert views and is the Nuclear Control Institute's latest contribution toward improving safeguards for our nuclear facilities and preventing the spread of nuclear weapons. It should be read by those who desire to evaluate nuclear power's proliferation risks and energy benefits.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Paul L. Leventhal
Paul L. Leventhal is president of the Nuclear Control Institute, which he founded in 1981 after holding senior staff postitions in the U.S. Senate. He has prepared four books for the Nucleaer Control Institute and lectured in a number of countreis on nuclear issues. He came to Wishington, D.C., in 1969 as press secretary to Senator Jacob K.Javits after a decade of political and investigative reporting for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, New York Post and Newsday. In 1972 he served as congressional correspondent for the National Journal. He returned to Capitoal Hill as special counsel to the Senate Government Operations Committee, 1972-1976, and also served as staff director of the Senate Nuclear Regulation Subcommittee, 1979-1981. He contributed to enactment of the Energy Recorganization Act of 1974 and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978. He was codirector of the Senate Special Investigation of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 1979-1980, and helped prepare the "lessons-learned" legislation enacted in 1980. He was research fellow at Harvard University's Program for Science and International Affairs, 1976-1977. He served as assistant administrator for policy and planning at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1977-1978. He holds a bachelor's degree in government, magna cum laude, from Franklin and Marshall college, which presented him its alumni Medal in 1988, and a master's degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
Sharon Tanzer is vice president of the Nuclear Control Institute and a member of its board of directors. She was co-editor of Averting a Nuclear Arms Race in Latin America (Macmillan, 1991), the proceedings of the institute's 1989 Montevideo conference. She was rapporteur and editor of The Tritium Factor (Nuclear Control Institute and american Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1989), the proceedings of a 1988 nuclear arms control workshop cosponsored by the Nuclear Control Institute an the academy. She was also project coordinator for the institute's International Task Force on Prevention of Nuclear Terrorism. She has organized and participated in the institute's meetings and briefings on nucleaer proliferation and nuclear terrorism issues in Europe, India, Japan, and Latin America. Ms. Tanzer received a B.A. in history, cum laude, from Barnard College, was a Fulbright fellow at the University of Bordeaus, France, adn earned a master's degree in history from Stanford University.
Steven Dolley is the research director of the Nuclear Control Institute, having joined the institute staff in June 1991. Mr. Dolley monitors civilian plutonium programs in Europe, Japan, and China; nucleaer weapon development programs in Iraq and North Korea; and U.S. government programs for disposing of excess military plutonium. He is the author of numerous articles in such publications as the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Science and Global Security, Nuclear Engineering International, and Journal of the American forensic Association, and he prepares the institute's background papers and issue briefs. From 1988 to 1991 Mr. Dolley was an instructor in communications and debate at Bates College and the University of Vermont, where his principal focus was arms control. He was a 1984 honors graduate of Bates College and pursued a master's degree in communications at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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