Nuclear Warfare: A Catastrophe

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With the end of the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union, conflict between the United States and Russia appears much less likely. Stockpiles of nuclear warheads are being reduced on both sides and tensions between the two countries have greatly reduced. The concern of political strategies have now shifted to other areas of the world. Current fears of nuclear war are mainly centred around India and Pakistan.

Nuclear war or atomic war is a war involving combatants deploying nuclear weapons. It is a military conflict or political strategy in which nuclear weapons are used.

The book deals mainly with nuclear weapons, effects of nuclear explosions on human health, modern nuclear warfare and time value of military force, nuclear proliferation and non-proliferation treaty nuclear arms race, power and fission.


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Nuclear Warfare: A Catastrophe
1st ed.
9380565070, 9789380565071
viii+296p., Bibliography; Index; 22cm.