Hospital occupational hazards and safety have taken a huge toll in terms of morbidity and mortality in cases of hospital workers and patients alike. Much of this is preventable and arises out of lack of awareness regarding occupational hazards and safety in health care facilities. This book has attempted to address these important issues in the Indian context. It deals with various kinds of occupational hazards in clinical and hospital settings, safety precautions that must be exercised and measures to be taken when unwarranted mishaps occur. It also handles simple, common, day-to-day issues with emphasis on practical aspects like hand hygiene, waste management etc. that touch the lives of all those who are involved with clinical settings in one way or another. This book on occupational hazards and safety management in hospitals is aimed to be a comprehensive guide on the various facets of occupational hazards and safety in health care facilities. It should prove useful for health planners, managers, clinicians, nurses, and students pursuing courses in medical and nursing colleges.
Occupational Hazards and Safety Management in Hospitals
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Occupational Hazards and Safety Management in Hospitals
1st ed.
311p., Figures; Tables; Glossary; 29cm.
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