The book includes important aspects related to importance of vegetable varieties, hybrids, role of quality seed and the cultural requirements like soil and soil preparation, nutrition, irrigation, protection etc. and important tips needed for off-season vegetable growing in the difficult topographical situations prevalent in the hills, different from those of plains. The book also includes themes related to pre-harvest management and maturity standards, post-harvest handling, transportation, marketing and storage of off-season vegetable. It also described the identification of suitable pockets for off-season vegetable production, role of various environmental factors, extension education, women, plastic culture, poly/green-house for raising vegetables and nursery in hills particularly snow bound areas along with a zone-wise calendar giving sowing, transplanting and harvesting each month and off-season vegetables production constraints have also been given. This book will be of immense value to the hill farmers, students, teachers, research scientists, extension workers and all others engaged in off-season vegetable industry in the hills.
Vegetable Growing in Hills
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