Only the Sea Keeps: Poetry of the Tsunami

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In a tremendous effort to come to terms with a natural disaster that erased the lives of hundreds of thousands, and affected the whole world, we present a deeply moving collection f poems by a distinguished group of poets from across the world. Encompassing themes of grief, shock, disbelief and the painful process of healing, Only the Sea Keeps is a beautiful example of the ability of art to address tragedy. The proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the international relief organization working with tsunami victims/survivors.


Joan E. Bauer grew up in Los Angeles, was eudcated at UCLA and UC Berkeley. For some years she taught high school English and journalsim in public and independent schools, and now divides her time between Pittsburgh, PA, and Laguna Beach, CA. She has a long-time interest in international erlief and development issues, and is a ferquent contributors to Doctors Without Borders and Save the Children. She serves as associate editor of Only the Sea Keeps. Her poetry has appeared in The Comstock REview, 5AM, Main Street Rag, Voices in Italian Americanan, and other journals.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Judith R. Robinson

Judith R. Robinson is an editor, teacher, fiction writer and award winning poet. A 1980 summa cum laude graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, she is listed in the Directory of american Poets and Writers. She has been published in numerous magazines, newspapers and anthologies. She has editor of Living Inland, 1989, Bennington Press; author of The Beautiful Wife and Other Stories, 1996, Aegina Press. She is poetry editor and contributor to Signatures, volumes 1, and 2, 2001 and 2003, Academy for Lifelong Learning at Carnegie Mellon University and Ring Road Press. She has taught and conducted workshops for the Pittsburgh Public Schools and Allegheny Community College. She currently teaches poetry in the ALL Program at Carnegie Mellon University. She is editor of this anthology, Only the Sea Keeps.


Sankar Roy is an engineer, MBA, Web artist, poet, an immigrant from India, translator of T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land in to the Bengali Language. Mr. Roy has completed two book-length manuscripts of poetry. He is currently working on his book-length autobiographical poem, the New Book of Genesis, and translating Allen Ginsberg and Derek Walcott to Bengali. Sankar is the founder of the website and associate editor of this anthology, Only The Sea Keeps.


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Only the Sea Keeps: Poetry of the Tsunami
1st ed.
183p., 25cm.