The subject of ontology as a part and parcel of Metaphysics, has ever remained immortal in self-realization of the Ultimate Reality of MIND and SPIRIT. Under a theoretical framework-thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis – of the Lord Krishna’s dialogues in Gita, the conceptual clarity of the ontology has been spelled-out to acknowledge the path of truth-righteousness (Dharma) in human society. To understand the Supreme Reality (Brahman) in the Cosmos by the help of ontological and epistemological knowledge, this research study is divided into five sections. In the First Section – ‘Introduction’ – the nature and importance of ‘Brahman’ – a Supreme Reality, recognised by Ancient Indian Seers, as also presented in the Bhagavad-gita for conflict resolution, has been discussed under the arena of SANKHYA (knowledge) and KARMA (action) Yoga Philosophy. In the Second section – ‘Cosmology’ – the relationship of Soul (atman) with Supreme Reality, has been described as “HIRANYAGARBHA” for recycling the birth (being) and death (non-being) along with the chief characteristics of Bhagavad-gita. In the Third section – ‘Metaphysics’ – the characteristics of cosmic reality and spiritualism, have critically been analyse on the basis of postulates propounded by the orthodox and the heterodox philosophical school of thoughts for achieving the source of redemption (salvation). In the Fourth section, ‘Religions Consciousness’ – the concept of ‘saccidananda’ (sat, cit, anand) – the relationship of Absolute and Non Absolute Reality has been reviewed under the positive doctrine of Eastern and Westerner Philosophers to achieve the transitionally results of supreme goal of life. In the end, Fifth section – An Appraisal, objective analysis has been made about the predicaments of Lord Krishna with regard to ‘Dharma’ – a notion of independent free-will, an ethical doctrine of action-orientated proclamation of Absolute Reality (God) for self-preservation, sustenance of philosophy and growth of human life in the cosmos (Universe).
Working Women: Spirituality, Psychological Well-being and Marital Adjustment
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